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文学翻译专题 || 罗素《爱》英译汉片段


罗素(Bertrand Arthur William Russell,全名伯特兰·阿瑟·威廉·罗素,1872年5月18日-1970年2月2日),出生于英国,毕业于剑桥大学三一学院,英国哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家,分析哲学的主要创始人,世界和平运动的倡导者和组织者。他于1908年当选皇家学会会员,后获诺贝尔文学奖,并被授予英国嘉行勋章,代表作品有《西方哲学史》《哲学问题》《心的分析》等,1970年在威尔士的家中去世。

Russell (full name Bertrand Arthur William Russell, May 18, 1872 – February 2, 1970), born in England, graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, was an English philosopher, mathematician, logician, the main founder of analytic philosophy, and the advocate and organizer of the World Peace Movement. He was elected a member of the Royal Society in 1908, later won the Nobel Prize for Literature and was awarded the British Order of Merit. His representative works include History of Western Philosophy, Philosophical Problems, and Analysis of the Mind, etc. He died at his home in Wales in 1970.


As a philosopher, Russell’s thought roughly went through several stages, including absolute idealism, logical atomism, new positivism, and neutral monism, etc. His main contribution was in mathematical logic, from which he established logical atomism and new positivism, making him one of the founders of modern analytical philosophy.


As a logician, Russell made great contributions to mathematical logic. He and Whitehead wrote the book “Principles of Mathematics”, which is recognized as the foundation of modern mathematical logic, and his “Russell’s Paradox” promoted the development of logic in the 20th century, and his logicism also promoted the development of mathematical history to a certain extent.



While the vast majority of analytical philosophers lack a sense of history and neglect historical problems and historical research, Russell had a lifelong fascination with history and historical theory. He wrote dozens of historical essays and three historical monographs: Freedom and Organization, The Policy of the Entente 1902-1914, and A History of Western Philosophy. Among them, The History of Western Philosophy, a popular work on the history of philosophy, whose full title is The History of Western Philosophy and its Connection with the Political and Social Situation from Antiquity to Modern Times, seeks to a large extent to look at philosophical thought and development from a historical perspective, and is fascinating because the author’s historical perspective is no less important than the author’s philosophical insights. The book soon became a bestseller in the Western reading world after its publication, establishing Russell’s image and status as a historian in the minds of readers, and many young people have been drawn to the philosophical path precisely by the unique appeal of this book.


Russell made an extremely important contribution to the development of educational theory. He stated, “Education should cultivate the desire for truth, not the belief that a particular creed is the truth.” He advocated a method of education that “should involve less rapid lecturing and more discussion, more opportunities for students to be encouraged to express their opinions, and more attempts to make the content of education of some interest to students. For teachers, “not only should they not be required to express a uniform opinion, but this should be avoided as much as possible, for it is essential to a sound education that teachers should express their own opinions”. He believed that education should not be one that makes people gullible. Such an education, he noted, “would soon lead, after a period of time, to the decay of the mind. In addition, he believed that the sexual education of young people plays a great role in education. He noted that “the traditional approach taken to the sexuality of youth leads to stupidity, hypocrisy and cowardice, and also to mental illness or similar diseases in a considerable number of people. Sexual curiosity, like all other kinds of curiosity, soon disappears once it is satisfied. The best way, therefore, to prevent young people from becoming entangled in sexual problems is to tell them, as far as possible, everything they want to know about sex.” On education, he authored the book On Education: with special reference to the education of young children in 1926. However, Russell was unable to find a school for their children that fit his theories, so he set about founding a school that enrolled more than 20 children. This school was guided by a progressive line rather than a laissez-faire approach. But because too many of the children absorbed were problematic and failed to strike a balance between freedom and authority, the school failed to achieve the desired success.


Russell was also a man of letters, although he did not begin writing fiction until he was 80, when he published his first novel, The Adventures of Miss X Corsica, anonymously in 1952, followed by two short stories, Satan in the Suburbs and The Nightmare of a Significant Man, written in allegorical form. Russell’s prose is also highly regarded in English literature.

One of the main reasons for lack of enthusiasm is feeling unloved. On the contrary, the feeling of being loved increases one’s enthusiasm more than anything else. A person can feel unloved for a variety of reasons. He may think that he is a terrible person and therefore no one will like him; he may have had to get used to being loved less than other children since childhood; or in fact he is a person who is not loved by anyone. But in this last case, the cause may well lie in the lack of self-confidence caused by early misfortune. A person who feels unloved will take a different attitude as a result. In order to win the affection of others, he may spare no effort to make all kinds of unexpected pro-activities. In this case, he is likely to be unsuccessful because the motive for such a firsthand act is easily recognized by the other person, while human nature is inclined to give love to those who demand it least. Therefore, the kind of person who tries to chase love through acts of charity will end up disillusioned by people’s ingratitude. It never occurs to him that the love he tries to buy is worth far more than the material favor he gives, because in reality the price of the two is not equal, and he instead uses this illusion as the basis for his actions. Another man, too, finding himself unpopular, might take revenge on the world, by provoking wars and revolutions, or by employing a sharp pencil, as Swift did. It is a heroic counterattack against bad luck, which has to be so strong in character that it can go against the whole world. Very few people possess such a high degree of skill. The vast majority of people, both men and women, who feel unloved, can only fall into timid disappointment and sigh in mere occasional glimpses of envy and resentment, so that the lives of these people become extremely selfish and self-serving, and the lack of love makes them lack a sense of security, and instinctively avoid this feeling, resulting in their being left to their habits to shape their lives. For those who make themselves slaves to monotonous life, their behavior is mostly provoked by the fear of the cold external world, which they think they can avoid crashing into if they follow the path they have already taken.


Those who face life with a sense of security are much happier than those who always feel insecure in their lives, as long as that security does not bring them disaster. In most, though not all, cases, security itself helps a person escape danger, while another person may succumb to it. If you have to walk across a narrow plank of no and underneath is an abyss of ten thousand feet, if you are then afraid, you are rather more likely to lose your footing than if you are not afraid. So it is with the path of life. A fearless person will of course also encounter sudden disasters, but after a hard struggle, he may be safe and sound, no hair loss, while another person may be in the thorns among the dark sad. It goes without saying that this beneficial self-confidence has innumerable forms; some people are confident in the mountains, others disdain the sea, and others soar freely in the blue sky. Yet confidence in life in general comes more from the habit of receiving as much love as one needs. It is this mental habit as the source of enthusiasm that I intend to discuss in this chapter.


It is the love received, not the love given, that produces this sense of security – although it comes primarily from mutual love. Strictly speaking, not only love, but also admiration has the same effect. Some professions are inherently capable of securing admiration, and thus those in this profession, such as actors, priests, orators, and politicians, are increasingly dependent on the applause of others. When they have received from the public the pool of praise they deserve, their lives are full of enthusiasm, otherwise, they will feel unhappy. Otherwise, they feel unhappy. They even stay alone and close themselves off. The enthusiasm of the public is to them what the affection of a few is to others. Parents love their children, and children accept their love as a law of nature. Although this love is essential for the child’s happiness, he does not value it. He imagines the world at large, the adventures of his journey, the wonders he will stumble upon when he grows up. However, there is always this feeling behind all this attention to the outside world, this feeling that if disaster strikes, the parents will do their loving best to protect him. For whatever reason, a child who lacks parental love is likely to be timid and unadventurous, too afraid to explore the outside world with glee. At a surprisingly young age, such a child may begin to meditate on issues such as life and death and the fate of mankind. He becomes so introverted and depressed that he eventually seeks false solace in a philosophy or theology. The world is a messy place, containing happy things as well as many unpleasant things from chance. The desire to try to outline a rational framework or model for it is fundamentally the result of a fear, in fact a kind of phobia or fear of open spaces, where the timid student feels safe in a study surrounded by walls. If he can convince himself that the outside world is equally safe, then he will feel real and safe when he has to go out into the street. And if he had received more love before, he would not have feared the outside world as much as he does now, and would not have had to create an ideal world that existed only in his beliefs.


Not all love, however, has this effect of promoting a spirit of adventure. The love being given must itself be strong rather than cowardly, wishing more for the superiority of the other than for the safety of the other, though never with complete disregard for safety. A timid mother or nanny who always cautions her children to be on the lookout for calamity always assumes that all dogs bite and all cows are bulls. Doing so will create the same timidity in the children that she herself has, and will make them feel that they will not be safe unless she is close at hand. For an overly possessive mother, this feeling in her children may make her happy because she wants them to depend on herself and does not want to see them have the ability to stand on their own. In this case, her child will get worse and worse in later years, far worse than if he had ended up without any semblance of love. Mental habits formed early in life often continue to the end of life. There are many people who, when they fall in love, start looking for a place away from the hustle and bustle of the world, where they are confident that they can be envied and praised by others, when in fact they are not lovely and have nothing to praise. For many men, home is a refuge from reality: it is at home that they no longer have all kinds of fears and timidness, but enjoy all the pleasures of heaven, they want to get from their wives what they could get before in their unwise mothers, but when their wives see them as big children; they are surprised and baffled.


It is not easy to define the most perfect love, because it is clear that there is a certain protective element involved. We will not be indifferent to the damage done to those we love. However, I believe that worrying about misfortune, as opposed to giving sympathy to misfortune, should play a smaller role in love. Worrying about others is only slightly better than worrying about ourselves, and that worry is nothing more than a shield for possessiveness. By provoking others to worry about themselves, people hope to gain more complete control over them. This, of course, is one of the reasons why men like timid women, because by protecting them, they own them. The amount of anxious concern that has to be expressed in order not to victimize the beneficiary depends on the character of the victim: a strong and adventurous person can endure a lot of concern without being harmed, and, on the contrary, a weak person should be allowed not to expect such concern.


Accepted love has two functions, and so far we have only talked about the safe one, but in adult life there is a more essential biological love, the pro-natal one. The inability to stimulate sexual love is an extremely unfortunate doom for any man or woman, because it deprives him or her of the greatest pleasure that life has to offer. Sooner or later, this deprivation will dampen their enthusiasm and cause an inward shift in character. But it is very common that the character defects caused by misfortune in childhood often become the cause of failure in courtship later. This is more true for men than for women, because, in general, women tend to admire men’s character, while men seek women’s appearance. In this respect, we have to admit that men are inferior to women, because, by and large, the endearing qualities that men find in women are not nearly as worthy of pursuit as the endearing essence that women find in men. I am not sure, however, that it is easier to acquire a perfect character than to acquire a beautiful appearance. But in any case, women are more knowledgeable and more willing to follow the steps necessary to obtain a beautiful appearance, and men are not as knowledgeable about the steps to pursue perfect character as women are.


We have thus far dealt with the love that has a human object, and I would now like to turn to the kind of love that gives. It is also of two kinds, one of which is perhaps the most important expression of the zest for life; the other is the expression of the sense of fear. The former seems to me to be commendable, while the latter is at best a mere placebo. If you sail along a picturesque embankment on a clear day, you will praise the embankment and be enchanted by it. This intoxication is a purely external pleasure, which has nothing to do with any of your own desires. On the other hand, if your boat is wrecked and you try desperately to swim to the embankment, then you develop a new love for it: it means being unharmed amidst the waves, and beauty becomes irrelevant. The more beautiful the love is for the feelings of the person whose ship is safe and sound, the worse it is for the feelings of the person whose ship is wrecked. The first kind of love is possible only when a person is safe, or at any rate, this kind of love is oblivious to the dangers that beset him; on the contrary, the latter kind of love is more subjective and selfish than love in other’ situations, because the value of the beloved old man then lies only in the assistance it provides, not in its intrinsic qualities. But I do not think that this kind of love has no legitimate place in the Lord’s life; in fact, almost all true love is a mixture of the two mentioned above, and insofar as this love does remove insecurity, it makes one interested in the world again, an interest that is obscured when danger is near and fear grows. However, while acknowledging the place of this love in life, we must insist that it is far inferior to the first love, because it is based on demonic fears, and because it is more selfish. In the bath of perfect love, one should look forward to new joys, rather than flee from old misfortunes.


Perfect love gives life to each other; in love, each person receives it happily and gives it naturally; and because of this mutual happiness, each person feels that the world is full of joy. But in a not uncommon kind of love, a person draws the essence of life from others and receives the love offered by others without any return. This is the case with some of the most vigorous people, who extract life from one victim after another, making themselves strong and proud, while those on whom they depend for their survival grow thin, decrepit, and sullen. These people see others as a means to their own ends, but never as ends in themselves. At one point they may think they love those people, but fundamentally they have no interest in them, but only in the perhaps impersonal stimuli that motivate their activities. It goes without saying that this is the result of some defect in their nature. But to diagnose or cure this is not an easy task. This is usually a characteristic that accompanies great ambition. I believe that this trait stems from a viewpoint that has an extremely one-sided understanding of what makes people happy. Love that truly cares for one another is one of the most important elements of true happiness, not only as a means to mutual happiness, but also as a point of contact for common happiness. A person, no matter how great his achievements in business, loses the greatest joy in life if he closes himself within the iron walls and is unable to expand this caring love for each other. The idea of excluding love from oneself is generally the result of some kind of anger or hatred for humanity, which arises from nothing less than a misfortune in youth, or an injustice in adult life, or any other factor that leads to persecution mania. An over-inflated ego is like a prison from which you must escape if you want to enjoy life to the fullest. Having true love is one of the signs of escaping from the ego fence. It is not enough to receive the love of others, but to release this received love and give it to others. Only when these two are equal can love work at its best.


Any hindrance to the development of mutual love, whether psychological or social, is evil in the extreme. The world has suffered, and is suffering, from such hindrances. People have been slow to express their admiration, fearing that they might use it in the wrong way; they have been slow to offer love, fearing that they might be censured in the future by those to whom they show love or by a harsh society. Caution, in the name of morality or of universal wisdom, prevails in the world, and as a result, generosity and risk-taking rumble where love is concerned. All this can easily lead to cowardice or hatred of humanity, because many people live their whole lives without knowing what their true and fundamental needs are, and in eight or nine cases lose the conditions indispensable for a happy and broad-minded approach to the world. Readers must not think that those who do not have morals are better in this respect than those who have them. In sexual relations, little can be called true love; and it is common that there is often a fundamental conflict of enmity. He or she, each of them, has to hide his or her secrets, trying to preserve the fundamental solitude and distance between them, so that the sexual relationship is a fruitless tree. In such a life, everything is meaningless. I am not saying that sexual relations should be carefully avoided, because there may be opportunities for a more valuable and deeper love in the necessary steps to this end. But I do believe that only the kind of sexual relationship that is unreserved and in which the personalities of both partners are elevated together has real value. Among all kinds of caution, excessive care about love is perhaps the greatest enemy of true happiness.


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